Me, Myself & I’m a Beachbody Mommy

You have most likely heard of Beachbody before. Have you ever thought about trying it? In an earlier post in May, I talked about trying the 30 day free trial of Beachbody on Demand. It turned out that it was what I’d been missing in my workout routines! Now I’m making healthier eating choices, I’m excited to workout more often, and I’ve joined a group of other people committed to being their best self and motivating others along the way.

If you have ever considered Beachbody, then why not make now the time you’ll try it? I’d be happy to answer any of your questions. I’d love to include you in my next challenge group and I really feel that having someone to be accountable too, besides yourself, really does help!

Please feel free to checkout my following Beachbody Websites! E-mail me or message me through FB in order to join an accountability group and make an important change in your life. I’d love to be a part of that change!

My Websites:

Facebook: Me, Myself & I’m a Mommy

Beachbody Coach Website

Beachbody Shakeology Website