Inspiring Mom · Thoughts about Lydia · Time for Mommy

How Accountability Makes You Healthier

I have given Beachbody some serious thought ever since I saw several friends, including Sara, posting her progress on FB over a year ago. At the time, I wasn’t certain if I was ready to commit being healthy (and paying for it), however, there is one thing that I’ve discovered since beginning this blog, and it’s that saying something means that you should DO something too, and being accountable to my blog has helped me to become a healthier woman, mom and wife.

When I was pregnant with Lydia, I allowed myself to eat too much. I’d started off pretty well eating nuts, veggies, etc. (Started off meaning maybe two weeks!) Then I got a little more used to the idea that I was going to “blow up” and I forgot all about clean eating, I exercised some but never enough, and then slowly but surely, that number on the scale kept going up. I stopped weighing myself when I gained over 50 lbs. I’ll try to leave Justin out of this, but I know my weight impacted him too, even if he just chalked it up to pregnancy.

After having Lydia, I was able to lose most of the weight. I am fortunate to have a steady metabolism, I enjoy working out, and I do eat healthy … most of the time … but I have made changes over the past two years and Justin and I have both seen the negative effects of becoming complacent with eating less healthfully, exercising less, and drinking more. As a result I’ve plateaued at a weight I’m not happy with.

We’ve told ourselves that we deserve to relax and of course everyone does, but we’ve also ordered out more often, eaten pizza too may times in one weekend, and snacked above and beyond what we needed to without adding more exercise into our routines.

While genetics and fitness do play a role in how we look, nutrition is just as important, nay, more. This is a concept I have been ignoring and it’s time to get my priorities straight for so many reasons.

I wish to set a positive example for Lydia. I want to feel good. I want to live a healthy strong life with Justin. I want to fit into my clothes and not have to buy new things 😉 … sometimes.IMG_2548

That’s why I decided to join Team Beachbody as a coach. When I started my 30 day trial with Beachbody on Demand (BOD) I realized how much fun I had completing those workouts. I remembered how good it felt to sweat. I think all along I’ve known that I wanted to be a part of what I see some great friends doing. They are getting healthy and sharing their progress with others.

I may not have a lot of weight to lose, but that isn’t the point for me. I want want to be healthier and fit. I want to inspire someone else, just as I was inspired, to become their best self by eating healthily and exercising. I have struggled with getting back down to a weight I’d be happier with and I think that Beachbody may be the solution for me. I’m excited to be a Beachbody Mommy too! I’m ready to challenge myself.

Have you tried Beachbody? What has been your experience? I’d love to hear more about it!

Please feel free to visit my Beachbody Website by clicking here! Or message me for more information if you’re interested in joining me for the challenge!21DFX_Logo_low_res

2 thoughts on “How Accountability Makes You Healthier

    1. I understand how you feel about spending the money. Honestly that is what kept me from trying beachbody for so long. I think investing in your health is important, but if you eat right then perhaps you won’t need to spend the money. In my case, this time, I thought the investment would make me more likely to do it and it did. I didn’t want to waste what I’d spent. Good luck with your goals! 😉


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